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About Naveen

"Dream. Desire. Determination. Done" - Naveen Anumolu

Visionary, Entrepreneur, Mentor

Watching my mother and father work day and night to achieve the American dream, financial independence and corporate success, I realized if I am to follow in their footsteps I would need to make some major changes.  The skills and experience my father had in life was not easily transferable to his generations. I had to develop my own experiences in life, my own failures, my own successes, I had to carve my own path.

I fondly remember graduating high school with a passion to become a doctor, everyone was doing it so why not me?  I went to my father and told him my grand scheme to become a doctor.  He responded to me, “Doctors don’t get paid adequately per hour. Go into business, Engineering, or Computers.”  At this point I realized I needed to change who I am and my focus, or I may end up with no time to enjoy life, and not proper compensation to justify it.

Stony Brook University afforded me the ability to be close to home, yet far enough away that I could get the college experience.   I completed a degree in Electrical Engineering with a double major in Applied Math, minor in biology, Computer Science, and business.  Once I graduated, I began working for a large global consulting company, and became one of the top consultants. I was given an opportunity to become a project manager and became the youngest project manager in NY.  

After 1 year of consulting, a family member became ill, and I returned home to Long Island. I began working locally for a large pharma company as Senior Business Analyst/Project Manager.  This company was a great experience, but also gave me a larger insight into how companies operate.  Many of the ‘contractor’ resources I found to not be value added resources, though leading to project delays and corporate wastage, in addition, I found companies lacking the clearly defined outlook of what an ideal candidate would be, a clear definition of what success is at even the smallest levels of the company. I knew I could change this, and lead, empower, motivate the change needed to bring long lasting success to the company through the right resources.

The experience with my ill family member really shook me.  I realized the need to build something so I don’t have to worry about spending my time to work always.  This helped me to take part in entrepreneurship and helping others to do the same.

As my career, developed, I began working for a major electronics company, and was also given a chance to attend the prestigious Harvard Business School where I became an alumni.  This helped me to cultivate relationships with amazing people globally.  It grew my perspective of what quality people, leadership, and relationships are truly about. 

My passion is helping companies to identify, screen, and qualify the right people to increase corporate success/profitability, but also add value to the corporate culture.  Resources that enhance the corporate culture keep the company profitable for a long time.   This helps companies to be sustainable, but also increases the value output of the company. 

People are an essential part of any company.  Ensuring their career success is always something I appreciate.  I mentor many students and young professionals to advance their career, and help them develop vibrant fruitful professions they can be proud of.

Today, having a family myself, I seek to learn from the successes of my family as well as the struggles.  I strive to ensure my generations are taken care of, and to be able to have the time to spend with my family not just when they need me but also when they don’t.   My vision and dream is to achieve this, and empower/mentor others to as well.

I consider it an honor and privilege to be able to help people not only identify their passions and gifts, but also to turn them into great opportunities through mentorship.  Helping someone find passion, purpose, and success in their life is one of the greatest blessings we’ve been able to experience. I believe we are in great need for more leaders & mentors and are committed to serving that cause. 

Always remember success is not based on how much money you make, but rather on how many people are better off because you lived.

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